twittier: big hands guitar hero ds = finger cramps!

06 July 2008

big hands guitar hero ds = finger cramps!

I'm a sucker for miniaturized big things or the reverse (ie. gianormous paper clips) so when Guitar Hero shrunk, I squeeled, like the knights who say Ni.

Instead of focusing on how it's really just a semi-entertaining overpriced game that you'd get bored with after a few songs, and complaining about how music games never have enough of the best songs, I'm just going to say that this game is a mouse trap for hands.

It is a medieval torture tool that keeps you playing while your hand cramps up. Other possible titles they could have considered instead of Guitar Hero DS: World Tour:

1. Guitar Hero DS: Death Grip
2. Guitar Hero DS: I Gonna Watch You Bleed
3. Guitar Hero DS: A Warning Label Will Not Detract Sales

Anyone else have other names they could have considered?


ps. Have you heard about the new ds? (Slimmer with wider screens, onboard memory and no gba slot)


shounn said...

wew... just how did you get the code for sezwho? i can't find the script from my mail... please hit back...

J. Meebz said...

i went to the SezWho support forum (in the blogger section) and posted about not receiving a code in my email.

here's a direct link: SezWho Blogger Support

You have to register, then make a post saying you didn't get the code and add a link to your blog.

They got back to me within a day.