twittier: 2008

16 October 2008

McCain/Palin: Dirty Brand of Politics


Civil rights icon and Georgia congressman John Lewis is accusing John McCain and Sarah Palin of stoking hate, likening the atmosphere at Republican campaign events to those featuring George Wallace, the segregationist former governor of Alabama and presidential candidate. McCain's campaign has responded with a statement in the candidate's name, urging Barack Obama to repudiate Lewis's comments.

"What I am seeing reminds me too much of another destructive period in American history," Lewis said in a statement issued today for Politico's Arena forum. "Sen. McCain and Gov. Palin are sowing the seeds of hatred and division, and there is no need for this hostility in our political discourse."

- Jonathan Martin

I say "obvious" because the implication of the 24/7 Fox coverage is made blatant. It's transference. It's saying to white voters, "we know you're angry about the economy. Don't blame Wall Street. Blame the n-----s."

McCain's going to lose, and he knows it. This is a 90-second ad aimed at the base who are watching Fox News. But he's setting up a large proportion (maybe the majority) of the GOP base to believe that scary blacks stole the election for Barack Obama. He's stoking race hatred. He is scum, and if in 10 years his name isn't synonymous with Lester Maddox and George Wallace than historians won't have done their job.

It's really true. The essence of McCain's campaign now appears to amount to prepping McCain's base to believe they didn't really lose the election. The election was stolen from them by Barack, his army of gangsters and black street hustlers, and possibly Osama bin Laden too.

- Josh Marshall

Oddly enough, the majority of disillusioned republican voters deny their abhor-able actions and continue to fuel the McCain/Palin Hate Campaign.

19 July 2008

Entrecard partners up with sezwho, a bloggers promotional steak and sizzle. Check out my post

Read More...(on my iPhone Blog)


ps. I like Entrecard, but haven't seen any improvement from using sezwho.

Da bears!!! Madden on wii!



Have you ever played Madden on Wii? All I can say is "crazy". It's pretty much a race to see who can score the most touchdowns, because you can't stop anything defensively.

My friend and I learned the controls pretty quickly and just flailed our arms around for about 45 minutes. It was fun for the most part and just like all other Wii games lost it's magic when playing alone.


14 July 2008

I love my cocaine mule bag! (till 2010)


I know Manhattan Portage is all the rage, even though they just look like overpriced dickies bags.
Cocaine Mule, on the other hand, is a full-featured bag and disguises it in an all too common package.

There are so many pockets and attachments to this thing. The quality is ridiculously good and the
plaid lining on the inside, think Will Smith in Fresh Prince of Bel Air turning his school jacket inside out,
is enough to say "yeah it's prof on the outside but chic on the in."

I guess I would also compare this bag to the SNL skit where you buy a luxury car for bad neighborhoods.
It looks like a broken down taxi cab, with dents, missing hubcaps, but on the inside you have a 5 Star Luxury
car with heated seats and all the options.

They're a little pricey, but thank goodness for clearance at Urban Outfitters.

If you haven't today, go to and get a step closer to ending world hunger.


This is a really great site to peruse when you're bored at work or home.

A lot of us are probably thinking back to the time when we angrily marched out of our 7th Grade English class saying that big, useless words would never have any impact on saving a life...

...well it does.

Flex your brain and feed a family!


I got this canvas drawing at Urbran Outfitters a bajillion years ago
and it finally begins to serve a purpose with microblogging
becoming the huge trend that it is.


13 July 2008

DS' are dirty.

You can't leave your DS Lite lying around.


12 July 2008

The most popular toys in chocolate at our store.

Good Ole' Kinder Chocolate



Finally after 9 months.

So here's the story:

My father and his friend needed help setting up their new business. Should only take a month or so, just a few things.

One month became two, two became six, and six became currently. After fighting through what seemed like endless city permits and rewrites and an inventory of 1500 plus goods and organizing an entire international market (wholesale and retail sides with the help of my brother and sister) and creating their logos, business cards, website and email newsletters...they can officially say "we're open".




09 July 2008

extra sleepy face minus the beard plus the work attitude.

So I shaved my beard today. I don't know why, but I go through a beard phase every month. Then I reluctantly come to the conclusion that beards are an accessory that are hard to match.

I probably look better without it, although in this picture I'm sure it's hard to tell.


08 July 2008

vegan chocolate peanut butter cookies are found at work sans one.

I love these cookies. Everyone at "work" loved them as well.

So when I accidentally left my box of cookies there, it was no surprise that someone had to get another.


If your gf plays this with you and wears tank tops, let her be Reed Richards you'll see why.

We rescued this game from a ToysRus clearance bin for $5 with an additional 20% off all clearance items promotion going on. So essentially we got a $4 Wii game. We also grabbed MonkeyBall for Wii at the same price.

You really can't go wrong with cheap wii games, since they all essentially all follow they same format: point, wiggle, repeat.

I didn't expect much seeing as the game sported the characters from the licensed movie (gamers know that licensed movie games are shotty adaptations rushed to coincide with movie releases). Luckily I saw 2K Games logo attached (a branch of Take Two Interactive [Rockstar Games].

Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer plays like Marvel Ultimate essentially is Marvel Ultimate Alliance with a face lift.

It's not far into the first level that Reed Richards needs to use his special power, which is activated by shaking the wiimote and nunchuck up and down furiously.

If you can visualize that, then you can get what the title means.


One dig dug morning. (blue steel)

If you wake up wearing a dig dug t-shirt, you have to take a picture.
If you take a picture, you have to make a blue steel face.
If you make a blue steel face, you have to say you got the black lung...pop


:cough cough:

Misplaced what's left of bekas vegan cookies, toppled her blog, working to fix and find and sleep.

Beka installed "Disqus" on her blog, (it's a commenting system on blogs much like SezWho, except it embeds itself into your code and owns your page), all her comments have been getting diverted.

We were working to remove "Disqus", which is like playing Trauma Center. In the midst of removing it we lost a great deal of her blog formatting. It was a long night and she wanted to give up working on it, I was part to blame I felt, but now her blog is a lot better.

Beka made me two batches of vegan chocolate peanut butter cookies (myfav), I took the second batch to work to share. I thought I brought them home with me, but they're missing.


06 July 2008

Awe thanks!!!

It's the little things that make all the difference.


big hands guitar hero ds = finger cramps!

I'm a sucker for miniaturized big things or the reverse (ie. gianormous paper clips) so when Guitar Hero shrunk, I squeeled, like the knights who say Ni.

Instead of focusing on how it's really just a semi-entertaining overpriced game that you'd get bored with after a few songs, and complaining about how music games never have enough of the best songs, I'm just going to say that this game is a mouse trap for hands.

It is a medieval torture tool that keeps you playing while your hand cramps up. Other possible titles they could have considered instead of Guitar Hero DS: World Tour:

1. Guitar Hero DS: Death Grip
2. Guitar Hero DS: I Gonna Watch You Bleed
3. Guitar Hero DS: A Warning Label Will Not Detract Sales

Anyone else have other names they could have considered?


ps. Have you heard about the new ds? (Slimmer with wider screens, onboard memory and no gba slot)

Geez Apple. Why leopard won't read in a lightscribe dvd writer is beyond me. Having to put in a back up in blows.

Blerg! I've become a net statistic. My Apple Dual Processor G5 Powermac won't read my Leopard 10.5 Disk.

Leopard Victims

Sigh. So the options for resolving this issue (thanks google) includes: turning my computer upside down, use my Macbook in target disk mode and connect it through firewire to my Powermac, or (the simplest solution not on google =P) use the dvd drive from another computer.

So it error-ed a couple of times, but it finally kicked through. "Yay for the third grade...Yay for school."


26 June 2008

Breakfast of champions (the rainer maria version)

i should have been a food photographer. it screams eat me.


24 June 2008

awoo woo

having amassed $75 in gamestop gift cards (most through, i finally gave in and bought the one gaming system i've been eyeing for the past couple of years; it was the guitar hero edition that did it.

the last handheld i'd ever owned was the gameboy advance, before that, the original gameboy. my brother does have a psp (which was better after we put nintendo and sega games on it).


"The Gaming Years"



before nintendo (early 80s), we had a system called socrates (which we pronounced so-crates) it pretty much made you spell words to get to the next level, none of us knew how to spell squirrel. my cousin had an atari, which we always played, then he got nintendo with contra. our parents got us so-crates. after our inability to pass level two, they returned it and got us a nintendo.



hello sonic. i think sega was the better system at the time. the graphics looked great, the games ran smoother. I prefered sega versions of games that were made for both systems. nba jam! (i never had a turbo graphx, but i played an emulated version of it when i got older, that system would have tied for first, thanks to bonk and splatterhouse)

sega cd


this is a picture of our second sega. our first one (pictured above) wouldn't play games in color anymore and replacing the cables didn't help. a friend of ours gave us his sega cd (with no games). we never used it, but it looked cool.

super nintendo


super. it was all about the mario's at this point. that's really all this system was good for. oh and donkey kong 64, the graphics were stellar.



since we had gotten a ps2, my brother gave away our original black n64 (with all our games) to a coworker. after awhile i got nostalgic missed destruction derby, nwo vs wcw, golden eye, mario party, etc. i use to play on emulators on my pc, since switching to a mac, i really never got back into it, so i retrieved a donkey kong edition n64.



my favorite system of all time. my brother use to go down to rocky's replay and drop quarters for hours on marvel vs capcom 2. my parents got him this as a birthday gift with said arcade game. dreamcast is all about marvel vs capcom 2, power stone 1 and 2, and house of the dead 2. As you can tell, my dreamcast has seen better days, it's a system that needs to be played daily, if not, most of your hours will be spent trying to bring it back to life.

23 June 2008


Elfie was created from the deepest recesses of Beka's mind to bring me happiness whenever I saw him. He's got my ear, my nose and my blues. officially born on my birthday.


20 June 2008

Your breath smells like dog food and you look like an oatmeal cookie.

Somebody had to tell you. (<3)


This is what you use to look like.






This is what you act like.

19 June 2008

10 o'clock haircut.

so Beka gives the best haircuts in town, self taught no lessons, thanks pop. it's plain to see i'm lucky, since the last great haircut i got was in france (circa 2005).


french cut. (merci`)






13 June 2008

How to get around in New York. "thugs dress more like kanye west and less like 2 live crew"

Riding the metro. Every city should have a subway system. Most cars are yellow cabs, most corners are food stands (instead of gas stations). The streets are easy, you can walk anywhere, or ride anywhere (for $2).

NY has a classier set of "thug or rap scene or gangster". No hanging pants, baggy clothes, etc. The fashion: 80s glasses, fitted jeans, vintage shirts and retro shoes.


New York bathroom photo. Smile.


On our way to see Spamalot on Broadway.


Stopped at Zenith* for dinner before the show.


One of the best theatrical performances I've ever witnessed.

*simply amazing vegetarian food

09 June 2008

Feed 65 children with $16

Children of the Nations dot org gives you the ability to feed, clothe and nourish a nation with a small gift of kindness. It's an unselfish act that goes a long way.

It's funny how our money here can't really buy enough of things we think we need, but over there it can really change a life.

(Browse their Gift Catalogue to Find This)

02 June 2008

Sprained my pinky toe the day before getting a wii fit. Now it's blurple. Typical. Graphic.

It was a little before 8am when Beka attempted to wake me up from a sound sleep with yet another phone call.

The Target in Oviedo had the ever elusive Wii Fits. They weren't expecting a shipment, but they just happened to get 10 in. A half hour drive later, I got number 7.

(the night before my pinky toe slammed into the doorway of my room. it turned enough colors to make Willy Wonka smile)


26 May 2008

Schwinnie Cooper and I.

I met Schwinnie when I took my car to get serviced. It was 8 in the am, and I would be there for a few hours. There was a Salavation Army next door and there she was, sitting outside. It was 10% off bike day. I rode her 6 miles home while my car was being fixed. She is perfect.


Orlando sub places in order of goodness: mellow mushroom, firehouse, anthonys, ny deli, subway, publix. Vegsub art.

I was riding my bike home from Beka's and was hungry. Subway is usually my last resort sub place.

(it was $5 footlong for vegsubs x_x)


20 May 2008

Guitarhero4 adds drums/mic nearly a year after rockband. Not innovative, but the drums are a serious improvement.

The cover of GameInformer boasts of how innovative and game changing the new Guitar Hero 4 was going to be. Then I read the article, which pretty much sounded like they were re-describing Rock Band. (Drum Design being the most significant difference)
